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Easier way to link specific cohost posts.

 Right now to get the link for a specific cohost post, to say share with your friends you have to click the time stamp on the post which brings you to a page that's just that one post. Its doesn't make much sense being there but does work fine. I propose there being an option to copy the url for the post itself in the meatball menu or from a share button at the bottom of the post.

Sharing cohost posts with other people is nice and also I guess leads to more people to using the site if thats a goal. Sharing posts is a vital part of any website like this and having it be hidden in a weird spot makes it harder for newcomers to use this feature. This isn't a high priority probably but I think would be nice for new users, to have it in a place thats at least labeled.

2 people like this idea

yeah i don't get the option to share the link of the post in the meatball menu, it just gives me the options like muting the post and stuff like that. if they had one that worked no matter what that would be cool

there *is* a share button in the meatball menu (at least for me, on desktop), but it brings up some OS-integrated menu that i honestly don't trust very much. It might be worth it to have a "copy direct link" button and have the current one be labelled "more sharing options" or something like that.

in the meantime, right-clicking the timestamp and picking "copy link" works fine without needing to leave the current page, that's what i've been doing!

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